Thematic output

 Laws Protecting Women's Right.

1. "The Equal Pay" Act (EPA) of 1963 mandates that men and women performing substantially the same job in the same workplace must receive equal pay. This includes not only salary or hourly wage but also overtime, bonuses, stock options, benefits, vacation and holiday pay, and profit-sharing plans\

 -law that prohibits employers from paying different wages to men and women who perform substantially the same job under similar working condition.

-Prohibits employers from paying women less than men for performing the same job requiring substantially equal skill, effort, and responsibility under similar working conditions.

-It requires employers to pay men and women equal wages for performing the same job, requiring substantially equal skill, effort, and responsibility under similar working conditions, with exceptions for seniority, merit, production, or other factors not based on sex

2. "The Pregnancy Discrimination" Act (PDA) of 1978 prohibits sex discrimination in employment and hiring based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. It applies to promotions, job assignments, layoffs, training, and other aspects of employment

- this law is about employers from discriminating against women due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, requiring reasonable accommodations unless they create undue hardship.

-Protects pregnant women from discrimination in employment decisions such as hiring, firing, promotion, or pay, treating pregnancy like any other temporary disability.

-It requires employers to treat pregnancy and related medical conditions the same as any other temporary disability, ensuring equal opportunities for pregnant women in the workplace



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